Make use of pom-poms for amazing craft projects
Have you ever wondered what impressive and original creations you could make with cotton pom-poms? Whether you want to use one, a hundred, or even thousands of pom-poms in your project, there are countless ideas to explore! Since summer, we’ve been admiring the colourful and fluffy pom-pom wall in our factory outlet’s entrance, which was created by Paapii designer and entrepreneur Anniina Isokangas using as many as a thousand pom-poms! A large pom-pom project requires time, but we can promise you – the result is stunning, and even the wildest ideas are worth bringing to life. Check out the video to see how it all came together and then choose your favorite colours from our pom-pom selection for your own delightful craft projects.

To create a pom-pom wallhanging, you’ll need:
- Pom-poms
- A base mesh to attach the pom-poms (the mesh in the video has about one-centimeter squares)
- A crochet hook
- Sturdy backing fabric
- A wooden rod suitable for your project if you want to hang the pom-pom work on the wall
- Needle and thread for attaching the pom-poms to the backing fabric
If you’re excited to create your pom-pom project in the same style as Anniina in the video, start by marking points to show where each pom-pom will go. Tie a pom-pom in every fifth corner to make the wall pleasantly full. Place each pom-pom under the mesh and hook the tying strings on either side of the marked point with a crochet hook. Make sure the knots are secure so the pom-poms won’t come loose. Finally, attach the pom-pom arrangement to the backing fabric using needle and thread to keep it all together.
Ensure that the backing fabric is sturdy. In this project, Anniina used Paapii’s Giant Sunflower cotton canvas as the backing fabric.
Start brainstorming today and get the number of pom-poms you need from our colorful selection. Also, go check out Pinterest for fun ideas on how to use pom-poms!